Plant image

RHS Tatton 2024

The Landscape Garden and Design Studio was designed by Phil Tremayne and built by APL members Landigo and Urban Landscapes and Design.

Other members supported with sponsorship, they included London Stone, Garden House Design, JA Jones Nurseries,Jeremy Hastings (Water Feature) 

The garden was designed to give an open studio feel packed with inspiration of what an be achieved in a small space. It incorporated water feature and paving. Planting in raised areas and the studio area for consultations.

The Landscape and Design Studio Tatton

The Studio
The Water Feature
Shaded Area Planting
Marginal Planting

APL Members at Tatton Park 2024 Awards.

APL Members that Built at this years show were :-

The Landscape Academy - Built Entertaining Meets Nature.

This was awarded Gold & Category Peoples Choice.

Evergreen Landscapes Cheshire Ltd - Built two gardens. 

The Woodlands Trust 49% Garden was awarded Gold & Category Best Construction award.

The Corten Garden was awarded Silver Guilt & Category Peoples Choice.

Actual Landscapes - Built My Name5 Doddie Garden. This was awarded Silver Guilt, Category Best Construction  and Category Peoples Choice.

Well done to all.

APL Members Tatton 2024

Actual Landscapes - My Name5 Doddie Garden
Landscape Academy - Entertaining Meets Nature Garden
Evergreen Cheshire Ltd - The Woodlands Trust 49%
Evergreen Cheshire Ltd - The Corten Garden